专注于流动性再质押的 DeFi 平台 Inception 完成 350 万美元种子轮融资,London Real Ventures、Gallet Capital、Metazero Capital、Kinetic Kollective、Zephyrus Capital、DSRV、Dewhales、Connectico Capital、Unreal Capital、Absoluta Digital 等参投。 Inception 在 Eigenlayer 生态系统内运作,提供原生和隔离流动性再质押选项。
Decentralized liquidity re-pledge protocol Inception announced the completion of a $3.50 million seed round of financing, with participation from London Real Ventures, Gallet Capital, Metazero Capital, Kinetic Kollective, Zephyrus Capital, DSRV, Dewhales, Connectico Capital, Unreal Capital, Absoluta Digital, etc. The new funds are intended to support its construction of a risk management modular framework that allows users to choose reward-generated assets in pursuit of maximizing point rewards ...
去中心化流动性再质押协议Inception宣布完成350万美元种子轮融资,London Real Ventures、Gallet Capital、Metazero Capital、Kinetic Kollective、Zephyrus Capital、DSRV、Dewhales、Connectico Capital、Unreal Capital、Absoluta Digital等参投,新资金拟支持其构建风险管理模块化框架,使用户可以选择奖励生成资产,以寻求最大化积分奖励和流动性质押代币(LST)效用。
On January 8th, CoinList announced that it has removed 2.40 million bots and fraudulent accounts since its establishment, ensuring that each user is a unique and authentic individual by verifying the device, Internet Protocol Address, email address, and other methods.
Last May, Inception Capital founder David Gan went missing for several months after telling investors that his father was under investigation and had traveled to China. During this period, investors were unhappy with his "disappearance" and voted to close the fund. At the end of June, Gan reappeared and agreed to give up some key duties. Gan said the fund was working well and he had resumed his day job.
Bitcoin has handled over $125 trillion in on-chain transactions since its inception.
On May 23rd, Inception Capital tweeted that it has partnered with Lattice to participate in the $6.90 million early financing of MultiVM, the Ethereum L2 execution environment. MultiVM is building a new type of ZK Rollup on Ethereum, which unifies multiple virtual machines and languages. EVM developers can scale beyond the Ethereum ecosystem, and non-EVM developers can scale into the Ethereum ecosystem.
5月23日消息,Inception Capital发推称,已与Lattice共同参与以太坊 L2 执行环境 MultiVM的690万美元早期融资。MultiVM正在以太坊上构建一个新型ZK Rollup,它统一了多个虚拟机和语言,EVM开发者可扩展至以太坊生态系统之外,非EVM开发者可扩展至以太坊生态系统。
Od行情信息显示,VANRY 短时突破 0.3 USDT,现报 0.2998 USDT,24H 涨幅 15%,7 日涨幅 52.6%。 据悉,Vanar Chain 今日宣布加入英伟达 NVIDIA Inception,旨在利用英伟达技术,为其在 Vanar 区块链上构建产品的开发人员提供解决方案,Vanar Chain 生态系统可以使用英伟达资源,包括与英伟达专业知识相结合的尖端人工智能、图形和游戏工具,该计划还将为 Vanar 提供与行业专家和其他人工智能驱动的组织合作的机会。